Monday, October 18, 2010

A stress day

Another stressful day.... meet up wit a problematic person... ai yo.. now my head hurts like crazy.really wan to change job, but really love this job alot... haiz.... wat to do....
hmm... jz now i was talkin to him... and things is back to normal, as a friend.... though i wanted more, but i am contented with it now... and dun wish to ask for more.. though, i still hate him abit, becos of the lies and all. but i have learn to forgive and forget. other wise, my life is going to be tough.. better to hang all the hate, anger.... life got to on.. with or without this person, my life still the same.... time will heal.. and i know tht even if the whole world might not love me abit, but i know the one up there loves me , becos of who i am. and that is all i ask.

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